That's because all gardeners need places to throw all that crazy crap that we end up getting: old pots, stakes, tomato cages, unused hoses. You name it. Some people build nice little sheds, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
So, I constructed this nifty cedar fence over the weekend to hide all this messy ugly from the patio. There's nothing worse than relaxing on the patio with a gin and looking at a hose and other random garbage.
This is a style of fence I see around Texas, and using cedar is pretty sustainable. We harvested the sticks from a friend's property 3 or 4 years ago, and they are still good for stuff. And there is plenty of cedar out there (of course, they did say that about the great flocks of passenger pigeons of the South back in the day. R.I.P.).
Here's the view from the patio. Ah, cocktail hour never looked so clean! So much easier to relax...

This screen is a more natural version, in some ways, of the one we built to screen off our ugly tankless water heater. Pam over at Digging also recently made a nice screen to hide her ugly bits.
how simple! and effective.
between you and Pam, I'm feeling awfully ashamed of my 'ugly bits'!
That is wonderful! Yep, all of us have our ugly spots and if you really want to enjoy that drink, you've come up with a great way to relax! Gorgeous!
that's brilliant grackle! so funny that everyone has a secret place for a little ugliness. life metaphor there somewhere. and cool screen--even looks "sustainable" and all that good stuff.
Looks good, Lee. You always have inspirational projects to share.
Hee hee, you said bits.
If I put up a fence to hide all my bits, my yard would be mostly fence.
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