Uniting the lake and the sea, here's an uber-beachy windchime that I made using shells that were recently collected around Charleston, S.C. Jingles and cockles form the chimes, and a piece of driftwood from Lake Superior finally found itself to be useful. A fun reminder of two beautiful shores.
how beautiful and summery. What a wonderful creative piece to make with memories.
I am a fan of folk art to start with but appreciate how you incorporate memories of your travels into the pieces installed in your gardens. Well played Grackle!
Interested in what you used to drill through the stones... I am getting ready to drill through a bunch of mountain laurel seeds.
Cool project...things are always better when you make them yourself!
Yo ESP. Actually didn't need to do any drilling at all. These shells were pre-drilled by other critters that ate them. Let me explain: whelks and other mollusks have a little drill on their proboscis called a radula. They use this to drill through clams and other shells, and my aunt says that this releases the pressure and makes the clams easier to pry apart. Then the whelk eats the gooey insides. So, all these shells (both the cockles and the jingles) had pre-made holes, perfect for art projects.
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