05 August 2013

Native Prairie Plants in Midwestern Gardens

A handful of native prairie plants are fairly commonly used in formal gardens in Wisconsin. I'd say that bee balm (Monarda), purple coneflower (Echinacea), black eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) and gayfeather (Liatris) are the most common. 

Here's a nice Culvers root:

And there are quite a few people that embrace the pocket prairie concept. Here's a nice version of that planted on a backyard berm that is very diverse in prairie perennials such as those mentioned above, plus rattlesnake master, pale coneflower, gray headed coneflower and more.

This planting lacks grasses, which are typically more dominant in actual prairie, but its a gorgeous combination of flowering perennials and was buzzing with bees and will be a treat for hungry birds in fall and winter if left unmown.


Anonymous said...


so much texture and color!

Misti said...

I just saw my culver's root blooming this evening. I brought it back from the bring of death---too much water--so I'm happy to see it blooming.