
30 September 2012

Elisabet Ney Museum

I've seen the signs and heard the name for years, but never really paid much mind to the Elisabet Ney Museum, tucked away in the middle of Hyde Park in Austin, Texas. Then, I biked by a couple of weeks ago.

What I found was a restoration project in process, a beautiful old building from the late 19th century, and what felt like stepping into another world.

Apparently, there is a large effort to plant natives across the Ney property and restore it to its original natural grandeur. (Unfortunately - and typically - the Austin Parks website for the property doesn't mention a thing about the project.)

The grounds were just beautiful, even in the late crispiness of summer. This is definitely a place that I'll be visiting again and again, both to watch the restoration, but also to observe the native plantings and get a respite from the city (in the middle of the city).

Below, native Indian grass flower heads were swaying in the warm breeze above little bluestem, sideoats grama and other natives. Not sure what that yucca is.

The bold purples of eryngo dotted the grounds.

Standing cypress growing near the front stoop, a bit out of season, but really nice looking against the crushed bright white limestone.

This is one of our most beautiful native vines, snapdragon vine.


  1. What a beautiful surprise to stumble on! I sure hope they plan to keep it natural - I can see why you loved the grounds so much. I especially love that crazy thistle purple thingy!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the tour Grackle guys! :)

  2. Thanks Grackle. Beautiful pictures and words... and it really is amazing how they are taking such care with their restoration. Same is true of the nearby Perry Mansion. Looking forward to your next post!
    Darrel (It's About Thyme)
