
29 March 2012

Pretty Little Cactus Scene

This pretty little trio of cacti is something I get to see from the bedroom window. I love it. And speaking of cacti, one of the cacti has sporting the most pretty little blooms rights now...


  1. xericstyle.wordpress.com3/29/12, 1:22 PM

    I LOVE your cacti! All of them! I have a little fish hook cactus too - and now thanks to you I know what the flowers look like! Just gorgeous!

  2. Love your blog. Just found you via the Martha Stewart article.
    Your cacti are so cute together. I am loving cactus and succulents more and more, not to mention how easy they are to keep. I just love when one sends out a flower. It's like a little message of thanks.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I which I could grow cactus in my garden too, but Oxford, England does'nt really have cactus weather.

    Nice to have found your blog so I can get some garden inspiration.


  4. Hi guys, what variety of prickly pear is that-- that grows vertically and is relatively spineless? I'm propagating from a pad I found, and it was dormant for over a year, and now is sprouting like mad. I'd love to read about it. Googled spineless opuntia et al, but none looked quite right. Mine is just like yours (or will become like yours, hopefully.) It had fallen off a really mature plant that was almost woody in it's base structure. These are so much cooler than the low, sprawling spiny opuntia that grow wild all over my property.

  5. Hi Salma,
    I wish I knew, but have no idea what variety that is. I assume you are talking about the one on the foreground of the photo. That's one that John brought home from the cactus society sale wiTh no tag. Good luck with yours!

  6. Just passing by but I think it's opuntia microdasys "monstrous crested bunny ears". Aka. Best plant name ever. The "crested" is when they make that undulating shape
