
20 February 2012

Dill-Infused Vodka

We've got some serious dill growing right now, with stalks easily as thick as a thumb and about 3.5 feet tall. The flower pinnacles are beautiful and smell fresh and herbal. Tonight, we had dill with everything: dilly potato salad, wild salmon grilled on a bed of dill stalks, and a mixed green salad with dill sprigs. Über-Scandavian.

A couple of weeks back, we got the idea to infuse some cheap vodka we had laying around with dill from the garden, figuring it would be perfect for bloody marys. We dumped the vodka into this purty bottle and let it rest for a couple of weeks.

It made GREAT bloodies, by the way. 


  1. Oh man, that is beautiful! I bought some seeds for bronze fennel. I think it has a liquorice taste. I don't know if it lends itself to infusion but it would be nice.

  2. When did you plant? I have three or four self sowed ones but they're only six or so inches tall. The cilantro though is EVERYWHERE. Makes me happy knowing that even in that horrible drought, the seeds are all there, just waiting patiently.

  3. Our cilantro is everywhere too. It's great to have a weed that I love to use! The dill was planted back in Oct.

  4. I plan to steal this and several other of your ideas. Thanks!

  5. Love this! Can't wait to try!
