
22 August 2010

plants: Purple Beauty Berries

It may be 102 degrees out there in the shade, but these bright purple berries are a sure sign that fall is around the corner. (It may be a really long Las Vegas-sized block though, with a corner that's much further away than appears at first sight.) The American beauty berries have begun their purple show around the yard. This is a great native plant for shady spots, and really puts on a show in the fall before the birds come and snatch away all the berries. In fact, if these berries make it to fall, I'll be surprised. The mockingbirds love these berries, and subsequently have spread the shrubs around the yard.


  1. I thought the same thing when I saw my beauty berry in berry mode. Huzzah for fall!

  2. One of my very favorite native shrubs - mine and the birds. I also have a white-berried variety that I planted last year. All the purple-berried ones in my yard were planted by birds.

  3. Beauteous. I'm glad to know they spread easily - that would seem obvious, right?! I planted my first two last Spring, so it was nice to see a familiar sight on your site just now :)

  4. Love this plant! My berries are not quite purple yet. A little more summer for me?

  5. I love my beauty berry bushes. They are such a welcome pop of color when a lot of other things are drooping from the heat. And sure, a promise of Autumn comes along with the berries too. Bonus!

  6. they are beautiful but I was afraid they were poison. or as my thinking goes , is there any medicinal value in then as I have bladder cancer ,prostate and skin cancer. and blocked arteries.i need a merical.
