
12 June 2010

garden: Brother and Sisters in Seattle

I recently returned from a trip to the Pacific Northwest, with visits to both Seattle and Portland. I expect I'll end up making several posts from the journey.

The first here are just a few photos of my brother and sister-in-law's new garden in Seattle. It's very pretty, with a huge pond and water fall in the front.

I sweet little bench to watch the water flow from.

The garden is very well tended to with a nice collection of Northwest-adapted plants that love cool gray rain. The lady they bought the garden from has left them with a well-loved place, and was pretty good at combining nice foliage colors together and nice plant types together too. (I have way more to learn in that area!)

I can't wait to see how they adapt it to their own style(s) over time. I know that many more succulents are already creeping in...

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