
26 May 2008

Trippy Storm

I've been quiet on the blog front for a bit, because we were on a big ol' road trip in New Mexico. From Santa Fe... the Gila National Forest...

Phenomenal Gila cliff dwellings built in caves by the Mogollon people about 700 years ago.

A native clematis (?) that was being loved on by one of the gazillion hummingbirds in the area (couldn't capture the bird...)

Two nights before we left, we were slammed by a freak storm with hail the size of baseballs, as many folks in Austin have probably already posted about and moved on. We lost around 14 windows (crashed out by the horizontally flying hail) and the veggie garden got pretty pounded.

Things are recovering now. (I've spent a few days bagging up leaves and branches, weeding and repairing.)

And still, there was time for beauty...


Giant coneflower, native to the blackland praire, about the bloom. Beautiful and intricate...


  1. This just looks so pretty. :)

  2. This is a nice blog. I like it!

  3. Wow, I heard that some people had windows broken, but 14 windows is pretty bad! Did you guys get the giant hail that took three days to melt?

  4. Fourteen windows is a significant loss. I'm glad your garden survived so well and no trees came down on your house. We had hail over here too, but not so big or damaging.

    Santa Fe is one of my favorite places. Your pics look lovely.

  5. That's some hailstorm - your area must have really been hit, Lee. I'm sorry you lost all those windows.

    But I gotta say you had the right response to a disaster - Road trip! Santa Fe looks very cool.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  6. Glad you guys are alright. The stuff missed us when the weather popped north in OKla, but just barely. Egads.

  7. Sorry you got hit so hard with the storms. I'm just south of the city limits and we didn't even get a drop of rain. Weird - that Mother Nature. Glad you were able to recoup.
