
04 May 2008

Spring Foodstuff

A tour of food things happening around the garden.

The oregano crab stands guard in front of the Mexican oregano, which is just beginning to bloom.

The raised veggie beds are going bonkers. Tomatoes, summer squash, basil, watermelon, Mexican mint marigold and spearmint and are starting to burst forth over the edges of the newer bed. Chard, green beans, tomatoes, chives and parsley bring up the rear.

A watermelon tendril wraps around itself.

This basil will be pesto soon. Yum.


  1. ha ha!! love the oregano crab!!

  2. the crab has been many things, but i think he likes his current job best!

  3. Methinks part of my flower beds are going to be converted to a pesto/salsa garden next year.

    *has veggie envy*

  4. The veggie garden looks great- and I love the pesto sign. Where did you get it?

  5. I hope my garden is as pretty as yours. It looks lovely and delicious!

  6. I want that Pesto In Progress sign, too! Very cool, Lee!

  7. Glad you like the Pesto sign! I just made some pesto this weekend and it was fabulous. The basil is growing bonkers right now.

    I asked my mom where she got the little sign, and she couldn't remember (it was a gift from a year or so ago). If we ever figure it out, I'll report back!

  8. Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
