
04 March 2008

For the Birds and Bees

My friend Jimmy makes these screech owl boxes, and he gave us this one a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I think we just missed the season just before mating when the birds are hunting for nesting sites. Hopefully this will attract a screecher next year!

I built this wabi-sabi native bee and bug house for the burrowers. We have about 4,000 native bees in this country and many are extremely important pollinators. Non-native--but also critically important--honey bees, Apis mellifera, visit the garden all the time from hives that must be relatively close. But, I'm hoping this box will attract a more diverse pollinating crew, cuckoo bees and the like. For instructions on building your own, check out the Xerces Society [pdf].


  1. Oh, wow! Your bee house is very cool. I'm quite interested in preserving and building the bee populations around my garden, as well, so I'll have to check that out.

    Rachel @ in bloom

  2. Ooooh, I think the alfalfa bees we have would LOVE that bee house!

  3. Bless you for posting that link to build a bee house! I love my bees and am constantly trying to think of ways to get more of them in our yard!
