Front yard
- plant gold lantana on the south of the path for balance
- plant yaupon holly next to front walk (evergreen and good for birds)
- move kidneywood
- add red gregg's salvia (x5)
- create drainage creek
- remove grass and throw in crushed granite for the meditation circle?
- prune lacey oak, texas persimmon
- add purple coneflowers, texas betony, black-eyed susans, Nolina texana, coralberry, turk's cap
- move wax myrtle to create better plant border to patio
- dig up remaining sea oats, give to friends, plant more herbs and flowers in that spot
- make limestone path in back instead of brick squares
- prune peach, mexican plum
- plant more bamboo muhly by entry path
- plant ferns in the hammock nook
- move and/or remove Ruellia (petunia)
- compost all
[I'm going to add to this as needed, just to keep a record....]
very ambitious. hope i can help at some point.