
25 November 2012

Late Season Giant Swallowtail

I went to the Mexican oregano to tisk at its crunchy brown death. Strange that after so many good years, it has decided to die back this year. 
But among its branches and stems I found the beauty of life. This giant swallowtail, Papilio cresphontes, freshly emerged to this world and perfect in every way. Too cold this morning to move, the butterfly waited for the warmth of the sun to fly. 

1 comment:

  1. We live in Woodway where we have hard, hard clay in the back and side of the house, clay soil which begins to morph into rocky-clay soil in the front of the house. I've been planting things for over a year and have managed to keep alive many crape myrtle trees, sage bushes, boxwoods, and other too numerous to mention plants, bushes, and trees. I think the crape myrtles actually got smaller this year, but I'm hoping they grab hold and do better this coming spring. Love the picture of the black and white swallowtail. I had never seen one before. Thanks! Patricia
