
07 July 2012

Found Loungers

Well, someone was just throwing these fabulous loungers out, just left at the curb for us like Christmas. They are in perfect shape, possibly made of teak wood and just wonderful. We don't exactly have the perfect poolside for them, but they seem to work pretty well back on this patio. John has big ideas for a galvanized steel dunking pool. We'll see...


  1. So cool! Isn't fun when other folks throw something good like that out? Laura

  2. Galvanized steel dunking pool?! Intriguing!

  3. Gosh, I wish someone in my neighborhood would toss out such treasures.

  4. very pretty! i love that extra stone going into the grass.... only pity that just one of you get to have a drink!

  5. What great lounge chairs! Lucky you!

  6. Just saw you segment on Texas Central Gardener and I am looking forward to get inspired by your blog as I did to the interview

  7. I throw out super cool stuff all the time. It's my way of recycling. My neighbors will tell of the day I tossed out some maple bowling lane sections. Here's an idea, replace the wheels on the lounge chairs with larger hand truck size wheels.

  8. If only! Wow. Maybe next, they'll drop off a table and chairs! I just discovered your blog ( love your logo!). Now, off to read it more!
