
07 June 2012

Summer Blooms

The garden continues to explode forth in blooms this early summer, though some of the late spring plants are beginning to look scraggly.

Here's a little combo of golden lantana, Indigo spires sage, horsemint and Engelmann's daisy, with prickly pear bringing up the rear.

This view to the right of that shows the golden lantana with purple coneflower and flame acanthus coming into bloom.

And the the left, we have those same species plus rock rose, sedge and a bit of heartleaf skullcap on the left.

The golden thryallis is blooming more than it ever has, perfuming this corner of the garden above the lantana.

The Barbados cherry is making luscious red cherries that aren't so luscious to eat. Good for the birds.

This monster coral vine can annoy me from time to time, since it invades over from the neighbor's yard and lays over the mountain laurel and crossvine. I always feel like it is taking away precious light and space from those plants. Still, it's quite striking and the bees love it.

Why is my fall aster blooming in summer? Weird.


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