
06 May 2012

On the Weekend Gardener

Recently, I had the great honor of having John Dromgoole, of Natural Gardener fame, come over to the garden and visit with me (camera in tow, of course). It was so cool to have him here, and to give him a tour of the garden. We've spent many a day and dollar at the Natural Gardener and watched and listened to John's various programs over the years. He's a great guy and an amazing source of gardening knowledge in Central Texas. He even dispensed some tips for me to deal with a few issues...bonus!

Anyway, they filmed the thing and here it is in two installments.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Enjoyed the video clips. Love your gardens, and have been enjoying the blog. I am in Massachusetts, so nice to see some of your Texas native plants and insects, etc... Cathy
