
15 April 2012

Welcome to the Jungle

We're experiencing some extreme growth in the Grackle jungle this year. So many of the spaces are filled with things both intended and unintended. Here's a quick photo journey around the place...

Back garden

Front Garden 


  1. LUSH! So pretty y'all - I love seeing your sedge grid starting to fill in with the incredible show your mexican feather grass is displaying in the background. And talk about cone flowers! So did you decide to change your veg beds to the limestone edging? I thought I may have seen veggies in limestone edged area? I am trying to decide what I am going to do this year with my back yard re-design - I would love to hear your thoughts! Cheers to spring!

  2. Your yard is so gorgeous, Lee! I'm so jealous of everything you have in bloom. I have lots of butterflies looking for something to eat in my yard, and not nearly enough food sources for them.

  3. Excellente!
    You have the coolest garden schemes and all of them contain my favorite plants.

  4. Just lovely, full and lush! It's crazy to see Echinacea in bloom already!

  5. So lovely and it's so nice to have such a paradise to enjoy this time of year!

  6. Such an abundance of plants! and so pretty! I am so jealous of your natural flora! I lived in socal for a while and could never understand why people did not use their gardens for more than just grass, and the od palmtree with such a climate, this is the opposite of unimaginary! I am doing an Oudolf inspired garden, but the swedish native plants are not really that easy use in a garden, mostly delicate little woodland creatures. It will be some domesticated versions.
