
29 January 2012

View from the Front: A Series

Last year I declared that I wanted to take a photo of the front garden from the front window every year in January. I almost forgot! Here is the front garden this year, then 2011, and 2010. Things look much greener this winter because we haven't had a big gnarly freeze (yet). Change and growth...


  1. Lots of growth! What happened to your softleaf yucca at the corner of the path? Did you move it, or did the weevils get it? (hopefully the former!)

  2. Wow, you have a good eye, Pam!

    Weevils?! I hope not, though it wasn't doing well, and maybe that's why.

    I decided to move it (actually related to my dreamy meadow project that is very...dreamy), but it's not doing so great in the new spot either.

    Hope it recovers!

  3. What is giving you the nice privacy between street and garden with big rock formation? Fast growing, it seems. Just curious :) Looks great!
