
04 January 2012

Dividing Red Yucca

For a blogger, I'm awfully bad at documenting processes sometimes. Case in point: I decided to divide one of our three red yucca plants this past weekend. It would have been neat to photo the whole process of digging these up and dividing them, but above, you can only see the end point, which is a couple of pieces of the red yucca supported by a stalk of bamboo. (The support was called for because the divisions don't have any roots to speak of.)

Red yucca, Hesparaloe parviflora, is not a true yucca, but an agave. According to Mr. Smarty Plants, dividing them is best done in fall or winter and can be a successful way to propagate the plant. Another chance to cross my fingers and hope it works! I love the idea of getting more new plants from old ones, but it's not always as easy as it sounds...


  1. I've divided and transplanted red yucca and they should do just fine for you. I know what you mean about not always documenting projects--I have a hard time remembering to do the same.
    Best of luck with the new transplants!

  2. Hi - LOVE your blog! Did your red yucca plants "take"? I just did the same thing a week ago.....and I am hopeful. You are a month ahead of me so wondering how yours are doing? Thank you!

  3. Hi Heather...thanks! I think the red yuccas might take a bit to get established. I'm thinking they probably haven't done much in the way of root growth yet. I fear that I actually planted them a bit too high, because I'm having to support them.

  4. Lee, following up again...

    Did your yucca's take???? I THINK mine did! I am so excited. I took the stake out and they seem happy. Crossing my fingers....EEK!

    How are y'alls?
