
18 October 2011

Retama at Balmorhea

Retama branches stretch beside the cute hacienda-style rooms at Balmorhea State Park, Texas. Too bad those fireplaces don't work any more...


  1. Your recent posts have brought back very pleasant memories of a trip that we took through West Texas in October a couple of years ago. Balmorhea was beautiful. Fort Lawrence, where we made a stop, was literally covered in migrating Monarch butterflies! An amazing sight. And we spent several days at the lodge at Fort Davis surrounded by the gorgeous mountains and all that wonderful wildlife. It was really one of my favorite autumn vacations ever. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. I'm such a sucker for adobe. I used to live in a very old adobe hacienda in Santa Fe. I've never been to Balmorhea - I'll have to visit despite the name which sounds like an unfortunate intestinal disorder!
