
25 September 2011

Gyo Wall

I stumbled across this absolutely gorgeous limestone wall in the Brentwood neighborhood today. It screams "gyo," where controlled stones are mixed with natural stones to create a wall that seems highly precise, yet organic. The combination of sawn limestone with natural aquifer karst and other patio limestone is just incredible. Very well done. Actually, this whole garden was nice, but I hated to lurk to long in front of it with my iPhone out snapping photos...I'm such a garden stalker...


  1. OOOweeee you were in my HOOD! Isn't the house soooo pretty? That's one of my favorite yards (right down the same street as me la la la). The (very good-looking) man of the house did that himself. I am assuming he is some kind of builder person as he has a big truck (twss) and a trailer and all that.
    PS Technically it's Brentwood, not Crestview. Not that I'm picky or anything...

  2. Oops. Got my "views" all mussed up. We were looking at Brents and not Crests. Duly noted and corrected!

  3. Boy, I like that A LOT too. I want one! Laura

  4. Thanks for highlighting - I pass this wall on walks frequently - nice to have a new perspective on it. I remember when it was going up. They clearly took time on it, doing it carefully/precisely/patiently!

  5. "I'm such a garden stalker" amazing!!!!! :) I want to use that sometime because that is exactly how I feel most times I am walking around.
