
30 June 2011

Hummingbird Hollow

If you want hummingbirds in your garden in Central Texas, plant turk's cap. Simple. Low maintenance. One of my all time favorites.


  1. Mine got hit hard by the frost. I haven't seen a cap yet this year. The flame acanthus is still pulling them in, though.

  2. Yes, I agree. I have a stand of it right outside my back porch so I get to watch the hummers often. Yours is so pretty!

    I'd like to grow the pink variety but don't know where to find it. Laura

  3. I love turks cap. It's edible. You can use the flowers in salads. It's a bland taste but adds a splash of color. The little apples have big seed but taste okay as well.

  4. Turks cap is edible?!? I can't wait to try that out.
