
15 January 2011

garden: Front Yard One Year Later / Winter

Last year, I happened to take a photo of the front yard from the front window with my iPhone. I think I was digging on the geometry of the windows and the hardscaping. Now, it's inspired me to take a photo from that point each year at the same time, Jan 15th or so. I may also start doing a summer one, just to document the way that things change. So, here it is. Jan 2010 first and then Jan 2011.

Frankly, it's kind of a dreary time of year to take a photo in Austin, Texas. We have our fair share of glorious sunny winter days here, but these aren't them. The vantage on these two photos is slightly different, but they serve the purpose.

We've been striving to plant a good evergreen skeleton of plants in the front garden, so that it can really hold its own in the winter. And I think that may be the one thing I notice by comparing these two photos. The more recent view is way greener and more full.

Additions from the year 2010 include the lowquats out by the road. The pale-leaf yuccas, sedges and other plants are obviously filling in as well. And of course, the Roger Foster sculpture "Ocular #11" provides a focal point. (That stone ocular really shines when the late afternoon sun is splashing across its face in a dance of shadows. But it looks pretty decent bathed in rain, too.)

Ok, the end. Until this time next year!

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