
24 September 2010

critters: Kidneywood Community

These insects are two of many that have been feeding on the nectar and pollen from the kidneywood.

A longhorn beetle:

A colorful moth:

If you don't make it as far as the comments, ESP sent me this ID on the above moth. It's the Ailanthus Webworm Moth, Atteva punctella. Very interesting, as it's preferred host is the invasive Ailanthus (Tree of Heaven) tree. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to kill them. I wonder if it hosts on other trees as well. That's my next little research job....


  1. Hi Lee.

    That last colorful moth shot is the Ailanthus Webworm Moth, Atteva punctella

    The bug nerd in me could not resist!
    Very UT colors!


  2. Hi Lee, adding to my complete nerdy tendences, I recently received this information...thought I would share it with you!

    "Your moth is a native species of Ermine Moth that has gotten the common name of Ailanthus Webworm. The interesting thing about that is that the Ailanthus is not native and it might be the most dangerous weed tree in North America. The Ailanthus can survive in all types of climates and conditions from deserts to snow to swamps. Sadly, the Ailanthus Webworm feeds on the leaves and that will not kill the tree. We need to find a native borer that will feed on the wood, preferably the roots, of this scourge tree. We have gotten more requests to identify the Ailanthus Webworm this year than ever before and we suspect its numbers are increasing as its introduced host tree can be found coast to coast and border to border".
    Not sure as to the specific host tree referred to, but I gather this chap is not a good chap!
    Colorful though!
