
09 January 2010

Plant Cam!

My first experiment with the "Plant Cam," a camera that takes photos at set intervals in the garden.

This one just tracks one day and night, which is not what I had intended, so I need to go back to the instruction book. What I'd love to do is take one photo a day for an entire year. At the very end of the video--the last frame--it's 7:30 am and the path is just becoming visible again.

Thanks Mom!


  1. Interesting! I've never used one either. It'll be fun to watch you experiment with it.

  2. How exciting! I've wondered about those. It'll be interesting to watch. Would love to know how it handles night shots. Yea for mom!

  3. I thought it was supposed to film over several days - weird! But You're welcome - Mom

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  5. OMG this is so good! I've always wanted to make a photo series like this but I can never seem to get past the first few days... operating the camera manually of course. How long will yours run for?

  6. I nominated you for a Sunshine award! See my blog at:
