It took me a few weeks to do this, because burying those big stones was no easy task. Just did a few at a time.
You can see in the photos above that I started planting around that path and the front garden with 54 Carex retroflexa var. texensis. These are great sedges that I've used in the back already. Here's what they look like there all grown up:
They come from Barton Springs Nursery. And amazingly, I could probably use about 36 more of them up front. I'm going for a very wavy, lush, grassy look up there with just a few main species. I've also planted small Mexican feathergrass clumps all around, and a few bamboo muhly in the rear (since they get so large). I'm also planning on planting some side-oats gramma when I find it. (It's the state grass of Texas, by the way).
The Blackland yucca (Yucca pallida) dotting the area were picked up at Madrone Nursery, which is a killer place to visit and buy plants - by appointment only. Dan seeded these pale blue yuccas from some growing wild around the Dallas area. They have a wonderful yellow edge that glows when backlit by the sun.
Great job!
I just love the placement/pattern you chose for the big stones. Your combo of sedges, grasses, and yucca is fantastic! I don't have any sideoats gramma, but if you want some inland sea oats, I've got plenty. Email me if you're interested. Cheers!
I admit it - I am a sedge gal from way back. And I love the way it looks against feather grass too. So yeah, I am totally happy with the way you are doing your spaces (aren't you glad to know that!? - now you don't have to tear it all out and start over...)
Seriously - what a great leftover - and put to such good use. Watch out Grackle neighbors - the bar has been raised!
Great idea to use the sedges for green cover, They really give the garden a special look.
I love that modern path!
I admire your energy and exquisite design! Thanks for the pictures of the sedges. I bought a few at BSN last weekend; now may need to go get a few more.
Oh, yea, that looks great! This is exactly the look I want for our outdoor shower/tub area. Thanks for doing this so that I can just copy you! I'm always looking for the easy way.
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