
23 August 2009

Front Garden: Progress on Paths and Walls

My thighs are burning from squatting over and over and over again. Who needs boot camp when there are front garden projects?

This weekend, we made a ton of progress on the paths and wall. Here's a view south to the patio on Saturday morning and then on Saturday afternoon. The patio and paths have taken shape, with all the decomposed granite base layer in place.

This is the beginnings of the wall that surrounds the dry/xeriscape bed.

And here it is basically completed.

I couldn't be happier with it, actually. And a neighbor already stopped by an exclaimed that it's like an extension of the living room. Perfect!

We could never have made progress without the help of our good friend Tina (who we still owe a Counter Cafe burger, if you ask me):

Tamp it girl!


  1. It's all looking great. You did a good job of keeping your wall straight and level. I've seen professional jobs that didn't look that good.

    The whole of the design is showing now and it is really impressive. It's bonavide.

  2. It's all looking great. You did a good job of keeping your wall straight and level. I've seen professional jobs that didn't look that good.

    The whole of the design is showing now and it is really impressive. It's bonavide.

  3. Very, very nice, Lee! The design is strong, and I know how well it works with the back garden. I'm also mighty impressed that you did all that work in this heat.

  4. Boot camp indeed. Will you rent yourselves out to do consultations and provide labor after? Because I want what you're doing. (seriously!)

    Only I don't want to do it all by myself..... (also seriously... : )

  5. Fabulous job. Your wall building is so professional. I bet you sat down on those chairs a few times during the process!

  6. I love it! And I agree with your neighbor about your garden looking like an extension of your living room, which honestly, I think is one of the greatest compliments someone can give a garden. :)

  7. What an undertaking! I'm so impressed with what ya'll have done and can't wait to see the finished product!

  8. I'm loving it! And admiring your energy. I think you owe your tamping friend two Counter Cafe burgers and champagne. I agree with Bob that this is very professional. And it really gives the front yard a stand-out look. Yahoo for you!
