
14 June 2009

Snake in Eden

This 3-foot long Blotched Water Snake visited our yard late last week. A beautiful creature that is always confused with cottonmouths. This one is non-venomous, but it flattens its head out to look more menacing when threatened. After a pause, it disappeared into the garden, probably on the hunt for gulf toads. Cool!


  1. Holy cr*p! I certainly admire your cool admiration of this behemoth. I am fine with garter snakes but anything this large (and looking that much like a cottonmouth!) would have me running for cover rather than my camera.

    Balance of nature, circle of life be damned. I'm rooting for the Gulf Toads this go-round.

  2. WOW! That is the biggest water snake I ever seen. We have a no kill policy on snakes and other scary looking creatures. We just shoo them away the best we can....

  3. I know in my head that snakes do good things like eat mice and rats, but this one is a bit intimidating! I'd sure hate to meet him coming around the corner . . .

  4. Wow, so cool!
    Did you ID it before you took the picture?!! This guy is quite intimidating size-wise.
    Did it appear after the last storm? So brilliant that these are on our East-Side doorsteps!

    It must have been quite a shock when you first discovered it!

  5. hurray for east-side reptiles!

  6. ooh, i have had one of those too! it took some real digging to find out what it was. a dog was harrassing it at the time so it had puffed up it's head and it really had that scary diamond shape! i love snakes, i wish they ate more spiders...
