
02 June 2009

Scenes from the Succulent Garden

The succulent garden is doing much better this season after we moved it under the peach tree. Almost everything seems to like a bit of shade in this crazy hot Texas place. Here are some close-ups, and a photo of the metal sculpture in which they sit. The sedums and such are beginning to get larger, flower and spread to fill in the space, slowly but surely...

This structure was made for me by a good friend as a fire pit. It didn't quite work as such in this garden, so I turned it into this succulent bed. Lots more to fill in!


  1. They are so delicate, even though they're hearty, too. Filling in is a good thing, isn't it?!

  2. I realized earlier this year I am under utilizing succulents. They do so well here. I am doing my best to remedy that and your post is great incentive. Thanks for sharing!

    And please, yes do show the metal sculpture. My curiosity is piqued!

  3. What is the name of the succulent in the third photo from the top? Is it cold-hardy? I love it!

  4. I wish I knew the name of that thing...we always just call it the "sea urchin cactus." If I see any at a local nursery again, I'll be sure to pass along the name. I think we originally bought it at Big Red Sun.

  5. Thanks Lee. BRS always the coolest plants!
