
12 April 2009

Easter Bloom Time

I made a quick slideshow of all of the things blooming in the garden today.

Blooming now are:
  • 'Indigo spires' sage
  • Unknown white rose
  • Tropical sage
  • Tropical milkweed
  • Unknown columbine
  • Blackfoot daisy
  • Hymenoxys (four nerve daisy)
  • Coral honeysuckle
  • Bamboo muhly
  • Purple coneflower
  • Cut-leaf daisy
  • Gulf penstemmon
  • Lyreleaf sage (yep, I spoke too soon)
  • Yellow columbine
  • Peach
  • Jerusalem sage
  • Culinary sage
  • Texas betony (hummingbirds loving it now)
  • Turk's cap (hummingbirds also loving it now)
  • Texas lantana

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