
13 October 2008

Trippy Signs

These absolutely amazing graffiti art signs have appeared in our neighborhood over the last 6 months or so. I just think they are the coolest, and someone has put some serious time into them. Sure, it clouds the Crime Watch message, but creativity and surprise overrules any objections in my opinion.

Their trippy, blacklight-poster sensibility is just wonderful, and I love the strange natural elements that appear in them, from fish to owls (hoot, hoot!). Even cooler on the owl front is the skeleton, as if the lights of a passing car have suddenly gone x-ray and shown us the inside of this predator flapping quietly across the street.

So cool!


  1. While the Crime Watch message may be clouded, those signs are so cool and colorful, you just want to read them!

  2. Beware creative, bonding neighbors! Your signs are so cool - I wish we had more free-spirited neighors like that in our neighborhood!

  3. They are beautiful. That person should be showing their work in a gallery or an art fair instead of on Crime Watch signs. But I have to admit it's kind of cool, even if it is graffiti.

  4. If the idea of the Crime Watch sign is to alert potential criminals that folks are paying attention - surely these versions work better than the unadorned variety. Thanks very much for sharing!

  5. i think they are rad. i see them and they look like vintage concert posters. i love the artistic spin on neighborliness, amirite?

  6. WOW...wish that artist would come over to my hood!
